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bBrowser: ground effect

Ground EffectIn the first day, after appearance of my article about bBrowse, more than 100 people (count was carried on unique IP addresses) got acquainted with it. There was some agiotage. Unfortunately, article didn't receive comments. I explain it to that experts are more inclined to do, than to speak. And the second reason can be that the main audience appeared "western". On my personal experience that the "western" people very much don't like to express the personal judgement. Well, and the third – some considered that article "throws mud" at the author.


Actually, I decided to tell about some problems which met, working with bBrowser. All of us are people and, coming back to earlier written code – we see that somewhere not so, here – it is possible to alter something, and here – were mistaken. But, often we change nothing. Why so? If a code big and "old" – correcting one mistake, we can create another … Because of it, reaction appears then when users start to speak about it.


Not to be unfounded, I wrote the article in which stated on five points of some problem sites in the classes bBrowser and bArrayServer. Why only on five? Simply, I like this number. It not is a lot of and not a little bit. It already adequately considerations. Described it, and laid out for discussion. Reason? If these problems interests nobody, it means, something I am mistaken, or this question won't be necessary and solved to nobody.


Reaction followed. From five offers on bBrowser – it is accepted two. It is good result. On bArrayServer of the offer aren't accepted yet. But, even if it to consider, we receive 20 %. I.e., too not «by cash desk». And what further? Certainly, at me is both other remarks and offers. They can be discussed, and it is possible to solve most. Nobody cancelled inheritance of classes.


It is possible to continue communication with the author (the owner of the rights) Joachim Bieler. But, there is a collision. Give not speak yet about the class bBrowser. Further I will speak only about bArrayServer. It seems to me (from correspondence with the author) that in the center the idea of speed of work was put. Speed of work – it is very essential. But, clearness (safety) of work too is necessary to me.


In my opinion, the program always (as far as it is possible) shall try to "smooth" errors of programmers and to be able to process even non-standard situations. At the heart of bArrayServer the data array lies. And with an array can be anything... Speed of operation is necessary to the author. It is right. In this case, the remarks described by me – not mistakes, and features of work. But, if it is necessary for you, that "miracles" didn't occur, I am right. And then bArrayServer need to be corrected …


Whether I can make it? Certainly. The class ArrayServer is the small. It it is possible to rewrite or write completely the. It can be done in a week. Whether it is necessary? And here it is a question … For myself I already solved it. How you decide?



Let's take vote. On vote only two questions:


  1. That you would want: a new free class or to continue to improve bArrayServer?
  2. If you chose bArrayServer improvement, whether there are at you personal remarks? If yes – describe them. The author of bArrayServer with pleasure will read them.

I ask to vote!


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