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CA-Visual Objects: Third-Party Products


CA-Visual Objects exists rather long time. But, in it still there are no many modern opportunities. These shortcomings compensate third-party products. Of course, many of them are for a long time known, but I decided to make the list of the most popular and useful (in my opinion) the additions for CA-VO. And to give on them direct links.
                        Here that at me it turned out:
  1. High-performance means for operation with various SQL and other types of databases (lib.: Vo2Ado, Vn2Ado, Vo2Jet, Vo2Btrieve)
  1. Alternative browser «bBrowser», the improved classes (bArrayServer, bIcon, bComboEdit and so forth), the tool for operation with a repository (repoScript)
  1. The widest free tool kit for CA-VO (Fab Paint, Fab Toys, Fab Tools, Fab Zip, Fab Backup and others)
  1. Colourful alternative menu and tool for a toolbar (SEUIXP, Ribbon Manager)
  1. The Nice GUI is classes born GUI to improve be the graphics that the performances of Visual Object (Nice GUI)
  1. RightSLE – Extraordinary development of a simple control of SingleLineEdit
  1. VO Productivity Pack
  1. Graphics4VO is the graphics interface for the programming language CA-Visual Objects with classes, methods and functions for the integration of graphics, images, charts and presentation for the display, printer, plotter, file and memory.
  1. Clipper compatibility library for CA-Visual Objects (Clip2Vo)
  1. SSL library for VO (Vo2SSL)
Following projects are available only through the main site GrafxSoft :
  1. The report generation tools: ReportPro, MDReport
  2. The browser GridPro
  3. ClassMate – This is a comprehensive 32-bit class library for CA-Visual Objects that replaces the class libraries currently shipping with CA-Visual Objects
  1. Help + Manual
  1. X-debug - personal Dirk Herijgers project
user: VO
pw: Free
  1. BL_Print – an interesting class for viewing and the printing of pictures, txt, rtf, etc. files (Bernhard’s tools – the Bernhard Lehmbrock project)
  1. Columbo – the inspector of a repository from Ivo Wessel. I managed «to revitalize» the project, its files can be downloaded.
  1. cmVodbx32 - Tools for the DBF databases. (As dbu).
  2. Visual Zip BackUp - FREEWARE-program for creation of a backup in a .zip-format.
  3. Reg Key File Builder - the Tool for creation of programs with registration.
Note: Reg Key File Builder now isn't present on the site. It was created for CA-VO 2.6 and 2.7. The latest version - It still can be found in the Internet, for example, here.
  1. Internet Library IC2 – expanded library on the basis of standard Internet Library for CA-VO 2.8.
Note: the library is laid out by D. J. W. van Kooten 26.06.2014. Its subject at a forum: here.
  1. MathiasSLE - The improved SingleLineEdit, the author – Håkansson Mathias.
Note: The sample requires bBrowser as it uses MathiasSLE in a DataWindow. The sample also contains code for saving and restoring column settings (visible columns, grid type, and selection type).
  1. XConsoleControl – is a powerful UI-component for the WinForms and Win32 platform that helps you to modernize your application with little effort. Thanks to a page-driven architecture you can provide recurring application processes on a modern and touch-friendly user-interface without abbandoning the current development path.
Note: XConsoleControl requires .NET Framework 4.0 Client.
  1.  Library for job with SQLite.
  1. XSharp (X#) is an open source development language for .NET, based on the xBase language. It comes in different flavours, such as Core, Visual Objects, Vulcan.NET, xBase++, Harbour, Foxpro and more.
  1. Library COMSDK. Using COMSDK based technology to give Office applications access to your legacy data. The COMSDK is developed by Frans de Wit ( and Ed Richard (
I hope that «Brothers in Arms» will forgive my bad English. It is always ready that it is necessary to correct or add the text or information. Request: to specify all useful information here in comments.
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