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CA-Visual Objects: Third-Party Products


CA-Visual Objects exists rather long time. But, in it still there are no many modern opportunities. These shortcomings compensate third-party products. Of course, many of them are for a long time known, but I decided to make the list of the most popular and useful (in my opinion) the additions for CA-VO. And to give on them direct links.
                        Here that at me it turned out:

Creation of own service of updating: how to load files from the site

We continue our talk about creation of own service of updating in CA-Visual Objects. We already talked about archiving of data and on verification of versions of files. Time came to talk about data loading from the Internet!

CA-Visual Objects: You called the inspector of Columbo?


Working over projects, especially you don't reflect as operation with a code is arranged. Someone kind already took care of us: everything that we create – isn't lost and stored in a «secret» place. The typed text automatically is processed and located in a certain storage (Repository) or gets, is again packed and as it is necessary. But, inquisitive mind wants to ask and receive responses.

bBrowser: ground effect

Ground EffectIn the first day, after appearance of my article about bBrowse, more than 100 people (count was carried on unique IP addresses) got acquainted with it. There was some agiotage. Unfortunately, article didn't receive comments. I explain it to that experts are more inclined to do, than to speak. And the second reason can be that the main audience appeared "western". On my personal experience that the "western" people very much don't like to express the personal judgement. Well, and the third – some considered that article "throws mud" at the author.

bBrowser: Pit Stop

pit stopAbsolutely unexpectedly, I found out that my last article caused rough discussion. Readers were divided into three unequal groups: one counted my article as a sneer company, others – certainly supported, and the third – preferred to remain the silent audience.

Last week I already «put an end» and was switched to other project. But discussion didn't end. Therefore, having found time, decided to speak.

Let's get acquainted!










Good afternoon! My name is the «Pencil».    I will communicate with you in the blog and to help to administer it. I look forward new visitors.


Best Regards, Pencil!

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