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CA-Visual Objects: Third-Party Products


CA-Visual Objects exists rather long time. But, in it still there are no many modern opportunities. These shortcomings compensate third-party products. Of course, many of them are for a long time known, but I decided to make the list of the most popular and useful (in my opinion) the additions for CA-VO. And to give on them direct links.
                        Here that at me it turned out:

Creation of own service of updating: how to load files from the site

We continue our talk about creation of own service of updating in CA-Visual Objects. We already talked about archiving of data and on verification of versions of files. Time came to talk about data loading from the Internet!

CA-Visual Objects: You called the inspector of Columbo?


Working over projects, especially you don't reflect as operation with a code is arranged. Someone kind already took care of us: everything that we create – isn't lost and stored in a «secret» place. The typed text automatically is processed and located in a certain storage (Repository) or gets, is again packed and as it is necessary. But, inquisitive mind wants to ask and receive responses.

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